Stručnost i inovativni pristupi, razvijani kroz više od decenije iskustva, učvrstili su našu poziciju kao lidera u projektovanju, inženjeringu i konsaltingu. Fokusirajući se na tehničku preciznost i dugoročne vrednosti, pružamo rešenja koja osiguravaju kvalitet i pouzdanost u svim fazama svakog projekta – od planiranja do implementacije.
Successful projects
Satisfied clients
Our clients
Our projects
Our dedication to developing optimal high-quality solutions and professional, reliable project management has earned us the reputation of a highly qualified, responsible and desirable partner in a relatively short time.
Expertise and innovative approaches, developed over a decade of experience, have solidified our position as a design, engineering and consulting leader. Focusing on technical precision and long-term value, we provide solutions that ensure quality and reliability at all stages of each project – from planning to implementation.
AG Institut LTD was founded in 2011 in Novi Sad, and since then we have positioned ourselves as the leading experts in the field of design, engineering and consulting in the construction industry. Our mission is to provide high-quality services that exceed client's expectations, relying on innovative approaches and technical expertise.